Grow it, make it, bake it, show it!

Spring Plant Sale

Sat 25th May 2024
Lots of bargain plants grown by members and suppliers - herbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials and herbaceous flowers. Plus books, seeds, pots and a children's seeding station.
Stock up and get growing for our Flower and Produce Show later in the year.

Covid safe outdoor sale.

10:00-12:00am Admission FREE
Claverton Down Community Hall grounds

The Annual Flower & Produce Show

Sat 7th Sept 2024
Running for over 75 years, this show attracts entries from Widcombe, Claverton Down, Combe Down and further afield. Over 100 entry classes of fruit, vegetables, flowers, baking, photography and crafting.

3pm Small Pet Parade
3.30pm Children’s Races
4pm Prize Giving, Raffle and
Product Auction in the Hall

Admission £2 Children FREE
Claverton Down Community Hall and Marquee

Autumn AGM Fish & Chip Supper

Thurs 17th Oct 2024
Entry £10 pp (includes food)
A chance for members to get together and reflect on the year, welcome new members and hold a short AGM. Followed by an informal fish and chip supper and a quiz. BYO drinks.

About Us

For over 75 years, this Annual Show a little over a mile from the centre of Bath has retained all the charm of a traditional village show with its marquee and white tablecloths, homemade teas and cakes, traditional prize giving ceremony, rustic crafts and countryside stalls (e.g beekeepers, green woodworking), traditional children's games (e.g hook a duck and snail racing) and 100s of classes of fruit, veg, herbs, flowers, baking, photography, sculpture, art and handicrafts. There are some entertaining novelty classes and lots of children’s categories to choose from. It is a great value afternoon out for all the family.

The first Flower Show was held on August 19th 1898 in the grounds of Claverton Manor House and the 17th was held in 1960. Two World Wars as well as financial difficulties having interrupted the continuity.

It was then usually held in fields on Claverton Down but in 1959 it moved to the Community Hall, the hall itself being most convenient for the serving of teas and the exhibition of handicrafts while the grounds accommodate the tents for flowers and vegetables.

from 'The History of Claverton', 1962


BANES Allotments Association

In 2021 BANES Allotments Association generously began sponsoring our Annual Show. We are very excited to be joining forces with their members.

Fonthill & Lakeside Garden Centre

Every year Fonthill generously donate garden centre vouchers as prizes for the Annual Show.

Bath Spa Florists

Bath Spa Florists kindly donated flowers for the children's headdress making stall.